Hello World!

Hello World!😊,
My name is Melody (nickname Melox), and I am a final year student in Mechanical Engineering,FUTA .I reside in Lagos, Nigeria. Growing up, I was always really interested in and fascinated about cars though my Uncle's was my first, I really enjoyed him taking me out and while he drove I stick at the window watching every vehicle that goes by and I enjoyed Family, with the love and Joy it brings. 
Recently, I began my journey into Data exploration and ML over the period have learnt,improved a lot in my skill. I’m plugged in to as many articles and publication news outlets as I can to make sure that I’m doing things right. Even so, there are still things that I don’t know. Whether that is due to the ever changing nature of the industry, or the fact that I work alone, I am constantly learning new things to improve my craft. And I can’t be the only one.
So I have decided to start this blog, “Analysis in bit with Melody ”, where I share my ever growing knowledge about Data Science and Machine learning . Particularly little analysis and modeling  bits that, as an ML engineer or Data Scientist, you could input in making exploratory data analysis seamless. Or things that you may be writing but don’t really understand why. I’m sure there will be things I just learn that pretty much,all Data scientists and ML engineers already know about, but I guess I have accepted that I might look stupid!
As I am currently taking my Journey at becoming a ML engineer in the automobile industry  most of my posts will be related to those areas. I hope to take on more projects and participate more in kaggle and zindi competition more.
Ohhh yes, this is me...


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